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children in class listening attentively to their teacher


Mary’s Meals feeds more than 170,000 children every school day in Kenya.

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Where we work

Life in Kenya

Kenya is currently ranked 152 out of 191 countries and territories in the Human Development Index (HDI).  More than a third of the population live below the international poverty line ($2.15 per day).

Kenya is located in East Africa. The landscape varies from flat coastal land on the Indian Ocean, to high mountains and plateaus at the centre. Neighbouring countries include Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

Around 29% of children in rural areas have stunted growth owing to malnutrition. Turkana County, in the north-west, has some of the highest levels of food insecurity and child malnutrition in the country.

young children sitting against a wall smiling to the camera

Mary's Meals in Kenya

Mary’s Meals has been serving school meals in Kenya since 2005.

We provide meals for children living in the city of Eldoret and Kisii County, as well as in ECDEs (Early Childhood Development and Education centres) and primary schools in the semi-arid region of Turkana County in north-western Kenya.

In 2022, Mary’s Meals served its first school meals in Turkana primary schools, reaching more than 60,000 children in 171 primary schools with daily meals of maize and beans with fortified oil.

In Turkana, we work alongside the Diocese of Lodwar to deliver our programme. Mary’s Meals Kenya also delivers school feeding directly across the country with support from thousands of community volunteers.

Food Changes the Story

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When did we start working in Kenya?

Mary’s Meals has been serving school meals in Kenya since 2005

How many children do we feed in Kenya?

Mary’s Meals feeds more than 170,000 children every school day in Kenya.

What meal do we provide?

Maize and beans with fortified oil.

Where are we based/where do we operate?

We deliver school feeding programmes in schools in the city of Eldoret and Kisii County, as well as in ECDEs and primary schools in Turkana County in north-western Kenya.

What is the capital of Kenya?

Kenya's capital and largest city is Nairobi.

What language(s) are spoken in Kenya?

Kenya’s two official languages are English and Swahili.

What currency is used in Kenya?

Kenyan Shilling (KES Sh).

What is the population of Kenya?

The population of Kenya is 56,012,233.