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Mary’s Meals is reaching more than 45,000 children in Ethiopia.

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Where we work

Life in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is currently ranked 175 out of 191 countries and territories in the Human Development Index (HDI). It is one of the poorest and most drought-prone countries in the world, with more than a quarter of its population living below the International Poverty Line ($2.15 per day).

Many children and their families face a daily struggle for survival, particularly in rural areas where most Ethiopians live. Recurring periods of severe drought and unpredictable rainfall make it almost impossible for people to grow enough food, causing widespread poverty and hungerIn Ethiopia, 36.8% of children under five have stunted growth.

An ongoing civil conflict in Tigray is devastating the people of the region and destroying infrastructure, leading to food and fuel shortages. More than 150,000 destitute and traumatised people – including children who have lost their parents – have sought refuge in the region’s capital, Mekelle.

Even before the current conflict, school drop-out rates were high with more than 60% of children failing to complete their primary education. Girls are particularly disadvantaged and around two thirds of the primary school-age children who are missing out on school are female.

children learning in an outdoor classroom

Mary's Meals in Ethiopia

Mary’s Meals began serving school meals in Ethiopia in 2017.

Under normal circumstances, we provide meals to children in the impoverished Tigray region in the north-east of the country (close to the Eritrean border) through a trusted local partner.

The Tigray region has been torn apart by major conflict since November 2020, leaving around two million people displaced from their homes.

Whenever circumstances allow, we are supporting our partner to provide vital meals to children and families who have been displaced by the conflict and are seeking shelter in temporary camps.

Food changes the story

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When did we start working in Ethiopia?

Mary’s Meals began serving meals in Ethiopia in 2017.

How many children do we feed in Ethiopia?

Mary’s Meals is reaching more than 20,000 children in Ethiopia.

What meal do we provide?

Kinche (cracked wheat) and chickpeas, or maize and peas as part of the school feeding programme

Where are we based/where do we operate?

Tigray region, in the north-east of Ethiopia

What is the capital of Ethiopia?

The capital city of Ethiopia is Addis Ababa

What language(s) are spoken in Ethiopia?

Ethiopia has five official languages: Afar, Amharic, Oromo, Somali and Tigrinya

What currency is used in Ethiopia?

Ethiopian birr (ETB)

What is the population of Ethiopia?

The population of Ethiopia is 120,327,543