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Global Hunger Crisis

The world's forgotten children are in crisis.

This year, conflict, COVID-19, climate change and the rising cost of living have converged to create world hunger on an unprecedented scale.

Over 5.7 million children under 5 are now a step away from famine.

At Mary’s Meals, we remain resolute in our mission to end child hunger. We offer a simple and scalable solution to the growing hunger crisis; but we need your help. We believe that everyone has something unique to contribute to our mission.

The time to act is now.


Global forces are impacting the communities we serve.

As the world emerges from the pandemic we continue to face unprecedented challenges.

Conflict in Ukraine in increasing the strain on food resources


The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has disrupted supply chains and increased delivery costs for essential goods such as fertiliser.

Rising costs

Rising Costs

The rise in the cost of living is affecting the global community, putting pressure on every penny needed to help serve the next child.

Climate change

Climate Change

Many of the communities we serve are directly impacted by climate change and are living in increasingly inhospitable environments.

World map featuring location of our programmes

We need your help to reach the next child waiting.

We deliver life-changing meals to over 2 million of the world's most vulnerable children, every school-day, but we need your support to reach the next child waiting.

No matter how challenging it may be,

with your help, there is always hope.

Image of Ballah in Liberia
Food is important. Before, the schools were empty. I didn't come to school. Now we eat Mary's Meals every day and more people are coming.
Ballah, Liberia

Learn more about the global hunger crisis


It costs just €18.30 to feed a child for a whole year.

Please give what you can.